A reason for my long silence.
October 3, 2021
Well – I certainly have failed to keep up with this “weekly devotional,” haven’t I? But there’s reasons for this, and I think it’s time I explain.
This year pretty much destroyed me. It was a rough year in many ways that culminated in me losing my brother to cancer while in the middle of writing Abram.
At this point, now that I’ve gotten the book out, I just don’t have the emotional, physical, or creative capacity to continue as I have these past few years. I need a break. A long break.
I do plan on finishing the Fall of Man series, which will cover the entire book of Genesis.
But when? I don’t know.
At the moment, not writing feels healthy. Whenever I try to write, I feel like a runner with a broken leg trying to hike a mountain.
It would be different if I wrote full-time. But at the moment, my day job takes all my creative capacity and energy. And, since I work at a ministry, I have no desire to quit, or to switch to writing novels full-time.
Rest assured that even if I don’t write a novel for a while, I’m still working on a lot of creative projects in other mediums.
For example, I finished this project this year at my day-job: https://newbelievercourse.com/
I have to admit, I’m more excited about the ministry projects I’m currently working on than my novels. So, as those projects come along, and as I get back into the swing of writing (after recovering), I’ll give updates here.
Just know it will probably be a while.
I’m sorry for not keeping up the weekly devotional. I’m sorry for failing to even make any progress on the audiobook for Abram, let alone the next book in the series.
I am very thankful for the support you all have shown me. You have made it possible for me to continue writing, and encouraged me in my growth. I’m praying for blessings on you, and hoping that I can get back to writing again soon.
Blessings in Christ,
-Brennan McP
About Brennan McPherson

BRENNAN S. MCPHERSON writes epic, imaginative biblical fiction with heart-pounding plots and lyrical prose, for readers who like to think biblically and feel deeply.